At GoGet, we have two different ways a booking can be calculated, hourly or daily. We always make sure that your booking is charged at the cheapest option.
We calculate the cost of the hours booked and the kilometres travelled, if this combined cost is more expensive than a full day, we will upgrade your booking to the day rate, with 120km included for free.
If your booking is automatically upgraded to a day rate, you will still need to return the vehicle prior to the end of your booking. If you need more time you can extend your booking via the GoGet app.
The cost of kilometres are calculated depending on whether your booking is charged at an hourly rate or a daily rate:
Hourly: $0.48/km
Daily: $0.35/km & 100km free for every day booked
The Day Rate is a flat rate that is automatically applied whenever it would make your booking cheaper, so you never have to worry about calculating it yourself.
Hourly | Daily |
$8.20/hour | $94.00/day |
$0.48/km | $0.35/km (100km free for every day booked) |
Hourly Booking
3 hours + 20km's
Hours | 3 hours | x | $8.20 | = | $24.60 |
Kilometres | 20km | x | $0.48 | = | $9.60 |
Total |
| = | $34.20 |
Hourly Booking upgraded to Daily Booking
10 hours + 130km's
Hours | 10 hours | x | $8.20 | = | $82.00 |
Kilometres | 130km | x | $0.48 | = | $62.40 |
Total |
| = | $144.40 (more expensive than the day rate) |
The hourly calculation of this booking is more expensive than the daily calculation, so the booking is automatically upgraded to the daily rate, with 100km's free per day.
Days | 1 day | x | $94 | = | $94.00 |
Remaining km's | 130km | - | 100km | = | 30km |
Kilometres | 30km | x | $0.35 | = | $10.50 |
Total |
| = | $104.50 |